Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ubuntu 9.10 won’t work!!!

I was really excited, the newer, shiner ubuntu and kubuntu 9.10 were coming out.

A fortnight later, my laptop was on the entire night, downloading the two ISO images, and the next morning I was installing them via wubi ( still need windows, for work and games) and I was shocked!


They looked, cool, worked smoother, but alas there was a very big quirk, the software centre wouldn’t allow me to install plugins, or codecs as a matter of fact it wont allow me to install anything – there was no install button, and the install option in the file menu was greyed out!

I still have not been able to figure out the problem, I have tried everything, from sudo apt-get to trying to get the update to work in a million different ways listed on the forums; and still it won’t work.

I am sorry to say, that I love kubuntu with its glistening glass effects and ubuntu with its simplicity, but i have removed them both, and just have a USB live ubuntu now for some virus removal and data backup needs in case of an emergency.

I still don’t get, why was the older add/remove program scrapped, when it worked perfectly, or is it an issue with a wubi install; if it is then I don’s intend to go back to ubuntu now, as the wubi based windows install was what fit my needs perfectly and now it is broken

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