Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ubuntu 9.10 won’t work!!!

I was really excited, the newer, shiner ubuntu and kubuntu 9.10 were coming out.

A fortnight later, my laptop was on the entire night, downloading the two ISO images, and the next morning I was installing them via wubi ( still need windows, for work and games) and I was shocked!


They looked, cool, worked smoother, but alas there was a very big quirk, the software centre wouldn’t allow me to install plugins, or codecs as a matter of fact it wont allow me to install anything – there was no install button, and the install option in the file menu was greyed out!

I still have not been able to figure out the problem, I have tried everything, from sudo apt-get to trying to get the update to work in a million different ways listed on the forums; and still it won’t work.

I am sorry to say, that I love kubuntu with its glistening glass effects and ubuntu with its simplicity, but i have removed them both, and just have a USB live ubuntu now for some virus removal and data backup needs in case of an emergency.

I still don’t get, why was the older add/remove program scrapped, when it worked perfectly, or is it an issue with a wubi install; if it is then I don’s intend to go back to ubuntu now, as the wubi based windows install was what fit my needs perfectly and now it is broken

Saturday, October 24, 2009

One Essential thing!!!!

A system crash, a hard disk crash or a virus; in some cases a bit of coffee can leave you without your computer and worse still without your precious data. GBs of data, tons of stuff that one has accumulated over the years.


But how much of that stuff is Important and how come that stuff is never backed up? In my personal case, I only listen to free legal music so i can always stream it online or download it again, and the rest i own the CD’s for. Movies are also obtainable again and i have the originals of my favorite one’s again. Of my 250 something GB’s of data hardly 10 GB is of work or sentimental value – a few thousand pictures , a couple of GBs of home movies and 2 GB of work related DATA; that's right just 2 GB.


Then why do i hear stories of people loosing their data, why is it so difficult to backup everything? Many friends (mostly females) can’t get to clear the clutter on their machines choke full to the hilt (so much that they have resorted to using pendrives for everyday storage now). Why are those 60 GB of audio files so important half of them pirated and 60% you never want to hear again.


Why is it so difficult to work with the essentials and so easy to fill up even a terabyte hard disk over a year. If only i had an answer!

Well one word of advice – back up regularly!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Trying out the Windows Live Writer!!!

Windows 7, a nice OS, by Microsoft standards has no more goodies that used to come with a typical install of windows till Vista.

Now, those nifty little tools have been clubbed as a Windows Essentials Live free download for those that want it. It includes a new Photo Gallery, Revamped Movie Maker, and a hell lot more; but my eyes were on the Live writer – a little tool thats lets you blog from your Desktop – on you machine without using a browser and the tacky web forms.

So I downloaded just that little tool, ran it – and am writing this post on it, lets see how it works


The first thing you will Notice is that it has a minimalistic Notepad mates with word 2007 kind of appearance – not a bad thing though as it goes really well with your Win 7 look.

Now it lets you save your work on your PC, and the numero uno reason for me to use it is there – edit it offline!!!

Well I am just using it – with both my blogs – word press and blogger and the pity is that you cant update to them simultaneously you have to switch the accounts to post to them – but nevertheless it is only a mater of a few more clicks!!! Also one great feature touted is that it will import your blogs theme so that you can see how the edited page will look like – but it didn’t work for me!!! So Let me post this and see how my blog works using Writer