A system crash, a hard disk crash or a virus; in some cases a bit of coffee can leave you without your computer and worse still without your precious data. GBs of data, tons of stuff that one has accumulated over the years.
But how much of that stuff is Important and how come that stuff is never backed up? In my personal case, I only listen to free legal music so i can always stream it online or download it again, and the rest i own the CD’s for. Movies are also obtainable again and i have the originals of my favorite one’s again. Of my 250 something GB’s of data hardly 10 GB is of work or sentimental value – a few thousand pictures , a couple of GBs of home movies and 2 GB of work related DATA; that's right just 2 GB.
Then why do i hear stories of people loosing their data, why is it so difficult to backup everything? Many friends (mostly females) can’t get to clear the clutter on their machines choke full to the hilt (so much that they have resorted to using pendrives for everyday storage now). Why are those 60 GB of audio files so important half of them pirated and 60% you never want to hear again.
Why is it so difficult to work with the essentials and so easy to fill up even a terabyte hard disk over a year. If only i had an answer!
Well one word of advice – back up regularly!
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